My father was born in 1897 and rode a horse in WW1. He was 72 yrs old when I was born, and from my mothers near 3 decade stint of having children I was the youngest of them all.
I never realised it at the time, but that placed me as a very young person in a family full of mostly older people. Perhaps as a result I have always felt comfort and captivation when talking to people much older than me. I can 'feel' how older people are more wise than me, in the same way I can 'feel' that I am more wise now than I was 10 years ago.
The closing paragraph from my previous bulletin message was a challenge to members to be a sage. In reference to your knowledge and experience, it read as follows:
"Don't squander it - find a way to give. Figure out how to spread your wisdom. Don't keep it to yourself. It makes the world a better place."

Have you done it?
I suggest you figure out how to do it and start - if you haven't already. A day will come when you cannot, and then it is all lost.
-Christopher Thompson
President Elect's

Wildfires are in the news today with the destruction of homes and displacement of many people and wildlife.
We hear of the big ones like the one burning now in LA and California, last year in Jasper, or a number of years ago in Fort McMurray; yet there are still many smaller one that we do not hear about, including ones that still burn today, yes even in the cold and snowy winter months of Canada. Many of these fires are a direct result of our carelessness, while others are start by nature.
They are devastating and burn through a small contained area or clear thousands of hectares of land burning everything to the ground. Even though this devastation occurs, new birth and rejuvenation happens and land once burnt regrows with new vegetation.
Travelling and spending time in Alberta, I have seen the effects of these fire and yet you can see the new growth of trees and vegetation starting; what a sight, a mixture of old destruction and new growth.
Our lives I think can appear to be the same as these wildfires. There are times we go through seasons of devastation that can or have been filled with disappointment, dealing the loss of a loved one, maybe a job or a deal that fell through, it may be heartache, or it maybe a physical or emotional issue. No matter what the issue we may often it is through these difficult times positive things come out where we experience new growth and revitalization in ways that we may not notice until much later.
Often through these fires of life, we can look back and see new growth taking place and filling in those bare spots, not only in our lives but the ripple effect that we have in other lives as result of our pain or disappointment.
Have you ever experienced time your live when a fire like devastation has occurred?
Through this did you see growth and the resilience we have in life and often as a direct result we become stronger? No matter what you may be going through, remember t it is times like these we become stronger, we are refined by the fire!
The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire ~ Richard Nixon
-Sean Goodall
Remember, on Tuesday, it's our monthly Club meeting. Please make an effort to attend as our speaker has a great message for us
-Chris Cochrane

The Montréal Mystery Festival, which had its inaugural event in May 2024, is already preparing for its second edition.
'Second Degree.' on May 23 and 24th, 2025, more than 20 authors of crime, mystery and thrillers from Quebec, the rest of Canada and beyond will meet with their readers for book signings and panels in French and English.
Last year, the festival was proud to announce the D7040 Passport Club as one its main sponsors, and we are thrilled the club has accepted to sponsor the event for 2025. If you're not attending our major fundraiser, the festival would love to have your help as a volunteer at the Grande Bibliothèque de Montréal! You can find more information and also donate personally on the website:
Did you know ...
THe British Royal Family have a well-established connection to Rotary.
Presidents Carter, Reagan and Bush (x2) were all members of Rotary while the current POTUS, Donald Trump, is a Past President of the Rotary Club of New York.
While discovering Prince Philip was an honorary Rotarian of three clubs with regular attendances at Rotary meetings, it was learned Pope Francis is an honourary member of the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires. He's the first Pope to be a member of a Rotary Club.