Of Rotary's 7 areas of focus, December represents Disease and Prevention month.
We know the push globally for polio eradication, but I'd like to take a moment to focus on malaria.
Malaria has touched me personally, having contracted it and lived with the consequences for years. Lucky for me it wasn't deadly (obviously!) and I had access to amazing healthcare and medicine. Most people are not so fortunate.
It is estimated about 630,000 people die from Malaria annually. That is roughly how many people die in Canada from all causes over 2 full years. Imagine that every person nationwide for 2 entire years died of the same thing - would we then consider it important? That's malaria.
In almost all cases Malaria is treatable, and with concentrated effort it can be controlled and even eradicated. The disease has literally changed the course of history, and more people die during wartime of malaria than from actual conflict and violence. This has been the case for thousands of years -- so its not a modern problem.
I read a book several years ago called "Mosquito: The Human History of our Deadliest Predator". I encourage you to read it if possible. Amazon doesn't use Canada Post, so you can still get it.
Spare a moment this month to consider the impact of disease; malaria, polio, alzheimer's, and others; while you enjoy the festivities. Feel special in your position of privilege, and give - even if its just giving a thought - to those less fortunate.
-Christopher Thompson
President Elect's
As I sit down to write this blurb for the bulletin, I began to think of how I got here.
New speakers for the club meetings may be necessary as I thought Chris asked who wants to present so I raised my hand, lo and behold he said who wants to be President!!!
Just joking, in all seriousness, it's an honour and a privilege to serve as the President of the D7040 Passport club for the 2025-26 RI year. There has been a great foundation already laid, and I have some big shoes to fill, lead by fellow Rotarians that have planned and constructed this pathway we are now on.
I look forward to working collectively with each of you to add to the legacy that has already begun for our club. As we look to build a stronger, more vibrant, and diverse membership from around the world as we potentially form a true passport club, putting us on the map as great place to gather, great fellowship and the club to belong to!
Thanks to the efforts of our membership we will be able to look at options to help globally, nationally, and locally in each of our communities with possible grants, whether we become the leading club or contributing to grants with other clubs.
As we come into this holiday season, often the busyness of it helps us get run down. No matter what this season means, don’t forget to take some quiet time to reflect and recharge.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday season and look forward to a new year as your incoming president and what we will be able to accomplish together. Sean
“Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!” Dr. Seuss
-Sean Goodall
Yes, on Friday the 13th!
There a Passport Club Board meeting on Friday, December 13th.
All members are welcome. A zoom link will be sent to all members this week
Our next member online meet is on January 7, 2025. It's a Club Social, no agenda, just bring a drink and share stories.
We need help, please!
Much to do before the event on May 23, 2025
Otherwise, that person may not be admitted.
This flag drawing was the logo for an online celebration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of an iconic song written by a Canadian for ( and performed by ) Frank Sinatra. What's the name of the song? Who wrote it ? Answers in the next bulletin.