What we support

Our club was organized so that we would not do projects, or fundraisers that require us to organize events or sell tickets. However, we felt that it would be a good idea to have some things that we particularly support. By reading through these you will know what we are about, and what we do. We also chose some causes because you can find these in almost every location.

Food banks

In 2014-15, we found out that most clubs in the district support a food bank at one time or another. Every club has at least one project, but we could do this on our own on behalf of the D7040 Passport Rotary Club. You can find pictures on our district website https://portal.clubrunner.ca/50214/Page/hunger-and-food-insecurity. Here are some websites that you can use for information.

Habitat for Humanity


Habitat for Humanity has a long history of working with Rotarians and Rotaractors to build the types of low-cost shelters that now qualify for global grant funding, under a recent Board decision. It’s also a natural fit for Rotary’s approach to vocational service, which encourages members to use their professional skills to help others.

Some links to these are
National Capital Region http://www.habitatncr.com/
Sharron volunteers at Restore regularly.

Youth Now farm program

Building Community Through Connection to the Land
The YOUTH NOW FARM is an innovative farming project launched in 2017. It brings together key agricultural activities with youth engagement, youth skills development, mentorship and employment opportunities. This farming project will increase food production for Ottawa residents, raise awareness of and access to locally grown food, support the positive development of marginalized youth, and benefit the community and agriculture industry through youth engagement and training. for more information go to http://www.youthnowfarm.ca/

Little Free Library


Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world.

Through Little Free Libraries, millions of books are exchanged each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds.

At the moment, our club has one Little Free Library in Montreal, one in Gananoque, and there's a photo of one in the Netherlands. We are looking for more.